About Us



View ALIC's Mission & Tenets Here


ALIC is the premier association for life insurance counsel, and in 2013, ALIC celebrated its 100-year anniversary.

From the first meeting in 1913 and continuing to today, members of ALIC serve life insurance companies and their stockholders, policy holders and broader constituencies. Much has changed since the first meeting in 1913. However, the products and services offered by life insurance companies remain a fundamental cornerstone of the global and national economies. In addition, these products and services continue as an important foundation for the financial security and stability of individuals and families.

Since 1913, the focus of ALIC remains unchanged: furnish scholarship on the legal issues challenging life insurance companies, combined with fellowship for our professional and personal growth.

The programs at the Annual Meetings in May are presented by leaders in their fields. Some of their papers serve as resources for years. ALIC is also characterized by its professionalism and collegiality – relationship-building is one of the principal benefits.

ALIC is unique in its focus on the life insurance bar and in the quality of the scholarship devoted to topics of particular interest to lawyers advising life insurers. The collegiality that characterizes ALIC meetings is also very special.

History of the Association

The First Meeting of the Association of Life Insurance Counsel in 1913 established one of the legacies of the Association, that of presenting papers and programs that contribute meaningfully to the literature and law of life insurance. Early presentations featured the newly enacted Federal Income Tax and the National Bankruptcy Act. The Association continues to uphold this tradition and the seminars at its Annual Meetings every May keep members abreast of the latest developments in life insurance law and practice.

The first meeting was hosted by The Travelers Insurance Company in Hartford; 20 members were in attendance. Meetings have continued every year, with the exception of cancellations in 1918 and 1942-45, due to war; in 1933, due to the Depression; and in 1946 due to a railroad strike.

Membership initially was restricted to lawyers who were home office counsel. In 1925, membership was opened to counsel of Canadian companies, and the Canadian Superintendent of Insurance was made an honorary member. In 1926, the Association welcomed its first woman member, Hilda F. Deyoe, an attorney for Metropolitan Life.

In 2001, the Bylaws were amended to permit lawyers in private practice who devote a majority of their time to representing life insurance companies or industry associations to join.


The Association’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

The rules governing the Association and the qualifications for membership are established by the Association’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, which are available on this website in the file libary. You may also access them by clicking on them. Membership is strictly on an individual basis, and not by company or firm.

The Website and the Blue Book

The Association maintains this Website at www.alic.cc, which contains reports and publications from the Annual Meetings, as well as a membership database. The venue and program for the next Annual Meeting can also be viewed when it becomes available. The Association also publishes for members only a directory, known as the "Blue Book" with contact information for all members. Many members bring their copies to the Annual Meetings.



The principal benefit of Association membership is the high quality of the scholarship opportunities. ALIC is unique in its focus on the life insurance bar and in the quality of the scholarship devoted to topics of particular interest to lawyers advising life insurers. The programs at the Annual Meetings in May are presented by leaders in their fields. Some of the papers presented serve attendees as resources for years. The programs combine plenary sessions featuring presentations of interest to all life insurance counsel with breakout sessions presented separately or sometimes on a combined basis by the various sections: Regulatory, Tax, Corporate, Securities, Litigation and Investment. Some Annual Meetings have also featured presentations on legal ethics. CLE credit is available for the presentations.



Another important benefit of membership is the fellowship with other members.

Athletic and Social Activities. Reflecting ALIC’s unique blending of fellowship with scholarship, Annual Meetings include athletic activities such as golf, tennis, croquet, beach volleyball and skeet shooting as well as tours, receptions and a dinner dance.

Spouse Involvement. Spouses and guests are welcome at Annual Meetings and many attend. They are included in all athletic and social events, and additional optional activities are scheduled while members are attending professional and business meetings.

New Members Reception. The Billy Shands New Members Reception is held at 5:00 p.m. Sunday, immediately preceding the general welcome reception at 5:30 p.m. This reception gives new members an opportunity to meet other new members as well as the Board members and Officers of the Association. Billy Shands is one of our Emeritus Members and the 2000 recipient of the Buist M. Anderson Distinguished Service Award. We named this reception after Billy because no one better exemplifies the collegiality of the organization.

Attire. Dress for the Annual Meeting is business casual.


Collegiality and Inclusiveness

It is a hallmark of the ALIC to be collegial and inclusive of all of its members. In keeping with these goals, all members should keep in mind that "the briefcase is checked at the door,” and social events should not be viewed as marketing or business development opportunities. Private parties, gatherings or social events which conflict with ALIC activities during the annual meeting should not be scheduled. In making your social plans for the annual meeting, please keep in mind that the ALIC's goals are best served by spontaneity, inclusiveness, and small group interaction. 


To enhance the legal representation of the life insurance industry by fostering community and scholarship among its members.



400 W. Wilson Bridge Road Suite 120 | Worthington, OH 43085

P: (614) 228-4701 | F: (614) 221-1989 | alic@assnoffices.com

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